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Booking now for Summer 2025

“Transition” is an interactive drama workshop created especially for Year 6 pupils to help to prepare them for their move from primary to secondary school. During the session the children work with one of our facilitators to explore their feelings about the changes that they will face. The children then work together to create their own short pieces of drama, dealing with their unanswered questions and any fears in a humorous way, helping them to focus on the exciting new challenges that the move will bring. The children will leave the session feeling more equipped to deal with the huge changes that they are facing, and hopefully more excited about their move to secondary school!


“Transition” can be used before or after the children go for the transition days at their new secondary schools, however, the best feedback always comes from schools who booked the sessions to take place before the secondary school visits.


​“Transition” lasts for 90 minutes, and each workshop is suitable for one class of up to 30 pupils. Prices are as follows:


£90* for one Year 6 class in a morning or an afternoon session

£160* for two Year 6 classes in a morning session

£170* for two Year 6 classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon

£220* for three Year 6 classes in the same day


*These prices apply within a 20 mile radius of Tameside. Travel (and where necessary, accommodation) costs will be added to schools outside of this area. Please contact us for an accurate quote. Timings can be adapted to suit your school’s timetable, but we recommend a session no shorter than 60 minutes.

To enquire about a booking please email us. 

"My class all really enjoyed the workshop, I thought you dealt with their common worries in a really positive way through the ‘yeah...but’ activity and it was great to see how confident the children were in solving the worries you brought up at the end of the workshop. I thought the tie game was a brilliant ice-breaker and would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone. I could also see it working really well on a quieter class to allow them the work out any worries through drama, as they might not want to bring them up in other lessons such as PSHE. All in all, a great workshop that was really useful for them just before their high school transition day(s)! Thank you for coming!" 

Kayleigh Drake, Year 6 class teacher, St. James Primary School, Gorton

"An absolutely fantastic workshop! Very interactive! The role-play sessions got them to think about how to react appropriately to different situations. Excellently paced."

Michelle Leak, Class Teacher, St Edward's CE Primary School, Rochdale.


"Well-structured and key questions helped change the children's mindset."

N. Zughaid, Head of Year 6, Maidenbower Junior School, West Sussex.

"The session was fun and humorous which kept the children reduced any anxiety they may face...excellent advice was given on how to deal with various issues."

Stephen Shankland, Acting Deputy Head, Moston Fields Primary, Manchester.


"The session was informative for the children with plenty of discussion around fears of starting secondary school. Children were interested and enjoyed the practical parts of the session. They were able to demonstrate their fears in a non-threatening environment."

Michelle Alker, Class Teacher, Diggle School, Oldham.

© 2025 by 2 Boards & A Passion C.I.C.

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